This presentation will be given at the May meeting of the Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society.
We will talk about what a town historical society does with a close look at how we do genealogical research. We will cover our simple but effective research methodology, the tools and resources we have found useful (many of which are featured on our website), and some examples of recent research.
We conduct about fifty research projects each year. Most involve genealogy to some extent. We say our research is "community directed" because most is in response to queries from our community.
Our research covers present-day Falmouth as well as Ancient Falmouth (which encompassed the area of present-day Portland, South Portland, Westbrook, and Cape Elizabeth), and there is genealogical crossover with neighboring towns, so this presentation will not be "Falmouth-centric."
The GPC-MGS meeting will be held at First Congregational Church at 301 Cottage Road in South Portland. For more information see:
Falmouth Heritage Museum60 Woods Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105Telephone: (207) 781-4727Email:
Mailing AddressThe Falmouth Historical Society190 US Route One PMB 367Falmouth, ME 04105
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